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$$$Earn Extra cash - Click Here$$$

Click on the tractor next to the file you wish to download. Please note that the SuperTrucker 98 upgrade files will only work if you already have a full copy of "SuperTrucker 98" installed on your computer.

Bookmark this page so you can receive automatic notification whenever an upgrade is made to SuperTrucker 98.

Downloading and Upgrading instructions for Update98.exe:

  • Because this update file modifies your revenue data file, you should perform a Backup from the Utilities Menu in SuperTrucker 98 prior to installing this upgrade!
  • Point & Click on the revolving tractor.
  • In the Save As dialog box, select Run this program from its current location.
  • Click OK to continue.

SuperTrucker 98 ver 3.7 upgrade - Update98.exe (4.2 MB). NEW Unlimited Revenue Types similar to the Expense Type Selection. BETTER Graphs NEW Expense Pie Chart showing the Total of all Expenses New Paid By DataBase. Also contains improved versions of report modules. 12/24/02 - Items will be displayed in date order on data entry screens.

NOTE: Will no longer compute Linehaul Revenue based on Loaded & Empty miles.  Will still show revenue per loaded mile and revenue per actual mile.

Point & Click on the revolving tractor. In the save as dialog box select Run this program from its current location.  (Jan 7, 2002)

These programs should be downloaded and saved in the folder where you installed SuperTrucker 98 (C:\Program Files\ST98).

Help Manual for SuperTrucker 98 Ver 3.1.0. (2.39KB). After downloading, click on manual01.rtf and the manual will open in Word Pad. Then Print from the Menu Selection.

Convert SuperTrucker 2 data files to SuperTrucker 98 data file format. This program will work with SuperTrucker 2 files that are missing dates. (42 KB)

Vendor data file. Will allow multiple entries of vendors with the same names. (60 KB)

*"Supertrucker 98" upgrade files should be downloaded into the folder where you installed "SuperTrucker 98" (c:\program files\st98).

2003 MacD CompuPros

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